Cindy Lipson, Wellness Coordinator

Rhea Gosain

Cindy Lipson, Wellness Coordinator

Joining the Wellness Center at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, SCHS welcomed new Wellness Coordinator Cindy Lipson. Lipson has been involved in the wellness field since 2005 and enjoys working with high school students.

“I love working with kids in general, but in terms of a more counseling and therapeutic setting, I find that high school students are mature enough to participate in the process,” Lipson said. “They’re verbal and they’re thoughtful. That makes the work really exciting for me.”

Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minn. Lipson moved to California to attend Santa Clara University where she earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Additionally, Lipson is a licensed marriage and family therapist.

Lipson took a hiatus from work for five years to be a stay-at-home mother and care for her son. Initially, Lipson did not intend to work for the Santa Clara Unified District, and her employment happened by circumstance.

“There was a maternity leave that needed to be urgently filled. I was not looking for a job. I was at home with my son and got a phone call from a former colleague who let me know that Santa Clara Unified was hiring,” Lipson said. “They thought that I should really apply for this job, that I would like it, and it would also be helping out the wellness department. I accepted it and I loved it, and I’m still here.”

Filling in the new position, Lipson ensures that students have access to needed mental health services. As a Wellness Coordinator, she helps students receive individual counseling and referrals to outside services. Lipson also works with families to provide information for wellness concerns. Similarly, Lipson collaborates with staff members, administration and school counselors to expand outreach to students.

“I want to help reduce the stigma of reaching out for help. Everyone will experience some sort of struggle in their life. It’s inevitable,” Lipson said. “The courageous thing to do is to seek help and not try and handle it on one’s own.

Outside of school, Lipson enjoys reading. Some of her favorite recent reads include “Wrong Place Wrong Time” by Gillian McAllister, “Daisy Jones and the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid and “Mad Honey” by Jodi Picoult.

For me, reading is a huge stress reliever,” Lipson said. “I love to read because I love being transported into the lives of different characters.”

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