DIY Wolf Mask

Instructions on how to create your own wolf mask for your “Party Animal” costume:

DIY Party Wolf Hat Materials:
● 2 pieces of cardboard
● Sharpie
● An old beanie
● Thread and needle
● An old gray shirt
● Utility knife/scissors

DIY Party Wolf Hat Instructions:
● 1.Draw wolf- shaped ears on each piece of cardboard
● 2.Cut out the shape of the ears
● 3.Place the cutout ear on one side of the shirt and trace the shape just slightly
● larger than normal. This allows you to have more space when you sew
● 4.Trace the ear on the other side of the shirt and repeat this process for the
● other ear.
● 5.Once you have the wolf- ear shaped fabric, take your needle and thread to
● sew the sides and poinst of the ears, leaving the bases open for stuffing.
● Repeat for the other ear.
● 6.Now your ears have been sewed and are ready for stuffing. Take pieces of scrap
● fabric and stuff them inside the ear until it is completely filled.
● 7.Cut two slits on your beanie and sew on the ears from the inside. Now you’ve
● got yourself a simple wolf hat! Just add makeup for