Katy Perry released her seventh studio album, “143,” on Sept. 20, 2024. The album consists of 11 tracks that combine Perry’s old, nostalgic music style with a new, modern approach. “143” album...
Coco & Clair Clair, the Atlanta pop-rap duo most popular for their hit singles “Pretty” and “Pop Star,” released their second studio album, “Girl.” Consisting of nine tracks, “Girl,”...
On Aug. 30, 2024, John Legend released his 10th studio album, “My Favorite Dream.” The album was inspired by Legend’s introduction to children’s music and learning the Fisher-Price song “Maybe”...
Post Malone, often known for his rap hits such as “Circles” and “White Iverson,” released his newest album “F-1 Trillion” on Aug. 16, 2024. Malone embraces his love for country music on “F-1...
Author Qian Julie Wang published her book “Beautiful Country” on Sept. 7, 2021. The book has been gaining more recognition because of AAPI month and an increased interest in Asian literature.