English teacher Hannah Anderson is a fan of chocolate

This year, SCHS has welcomed many new staff members to the campus. In the accompanying q & a’s, we take a look at their high school experiences and learn a little bit more about them. Below is a Q&A with English teacher Hannah Anderson.


Q: What’s your usual coffee order?

A: A double tall vanilla soy latte. It really satisfies my wants and needs for a good coffee.


Q: What’s your guilty pleasure?

A: Chocolate. Chocolate just makes me really happy. Whenever I’m feeling down, chocolate is the one thing that can make me feel better.


Q: What’s your favorite book? Why?

A: “On the Road by Jack Kerouac. I like it a lot because it has a sense of adventure and focuses on exploring one’s self.


Q: What’s your most memorable high school experience?

A: I would say Homecoming during my senior year. I helped out a lot, and worked hard on the float. We actually stayed for so long that we ended up sleeping here at school. But it was all worth it because our class ended up winning in every category.


Q: What advice would you give to your high school self?

A: I would say to work hard, never give up, stay true to yourself, and be kind.


Q: What was your most memorable teaching experience?

A: It was when one of my English Learner students gave me a gift at the end of the year, even though she knew she wasn’t going to graduate from high school. She said that I had impacted her life so much that even if she didn’t get to graduate with all her friends, she would still try and pass the state high school exit exam so she could get her diploma. She never gave up, even though all odds were against her. At the end of the year, she came and hugged me, and also gave me a necklace as a present.