Physics teacher Jyothi Sunkara has a thing for Superman

Q: What did you want to be growing up?

A: When I was super young, I wanted to be a teacher.

Q: What high school did you go to?

A: I went to Stanley Indian High School for Girls.

Q: What were you involved in?

A: I was never athletic. I started a library –  I loved reading and I donated books.

Q: What advice would you give to your high school self?

A: I would tell myself to really pay attention in class.

Q: Favorite movie? Why?

A: I really love “Star Trek” because I love astronomy and science fiction.

Q: Favorite book?

A: Let’s see, so many – “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity?

A: I don’t care about celebrities.

Q: What’s your favorite superhero and why?

A: I like Superman because I liked the movie and the actor when it came out.

Q: Tell me about a memorable teaching experience.

A: I am fairly new but It’s weird I can’t get my students’ faces out of my mind.