A&E: Less is more

Many seasons of shows are not impressing audiences.

With more advanced media and available entertainment, some SCHS students question the continuation of popular TV shows and movie franchises. Additionally, many argue against the growth of some series due to their recent expansions.

Sophomore Sujay Ojha described a reason why many shows produce numerous seasons. Ojha mentioned the effect each season has on the series itself.

“I believe they (producers) need to find a way to keep it interesting,” Ojha said. “I feel like once the first few seasons are over, the standards are set high and the quality of the show decreases.”

Junior Austin Wu discussed the priorities of a successful series along with the goals many writers have in mind. Consequently, audiences, however, are often disappointed with the results.

“A lot of the time, they (writers and producers) are not thinking about a second season. They are creating a story. They are wrapping the story up in a nice hierarchical sequence,” Wu said. “In that sense, adding a second season does not make sense.”

In addition to a show’s seasons, Wu also explained the larger underlying issue with series that tend to be repetitive. The series with the most repetitive productions often steer individuals away from the show itself.

“It (various entertainment series) are really just supposed to be meant as a distraction to people, and people inherently pay for the distraction,” Wu said. “What drives the entire Hollywood industry is not the unique beauty of the film. It is how many people watch it and how much money they can pull.”

Sophomore Matthew Van shared his intrigue for the popular sitcom, “The Office.” Despite his enjoyment of the show, he believes the content is redundant and the producers added other unnecessary developments.

“They (the producers of the shows) introduced these new characters that I don’t think were as well written as the original cast,” Van said. “Including them in it was a little bit different in change, like different than the style of what you’d normally expect from the earlier seasons.”

While many prefer the shorter versions of their favorite series, many expressed the importance of interpretation in the world of entertainment.

“There is something unique about being able to imagine an extension of a series or what happens,” Wu said. “The beauty in it is you do not get to see what happens. You have to make up some part of the story, or you have to imagine it.”