Student recieves perfect SAT score, 1 in a million


Peers and teachers describe senior Dan Sui as a bright student; however, his perfect score on the SAT surpassed all of their expectations.

Out of 1.66 million test-takers in the U.S. in 2012, Sui is one of the 360 students who achieved a score of 2400, according to SAT officials. His SAT journey began when he took the PSAT his sophomore year, along with memorizing SAT vocabulary and taking endless practice tests. He described preparing for the test as a good experience and said that having previously taken SAT Subject Tests prepared him as well.

“I was not as nervous as I could have been. I knew what the environment would be like. Plus, I knew that I had prepared well,” said Sui. However, despite his confidence, Sui says the news still came as a shock, and that after receiving his score he could not stop smiling.
“I never expected a 2400. I don’t think anyone can expect something like that,” he said.

He described the experience as gratifying and said that his parents are proud of his accomplishment. Dan recalls his fathers reaction to his perfect score as so overjoyed that, “he spit out his toothpaste.”

Dan has maintained a high GPA throughout his high school career. Francine Kong, his previous math teacher recalled Sui as “a great role model for our students and an inspiration to our teachers.”

Even Sui’s fellow classmates describe him as an intelligent individual.
“[Sui] is a great person and a really smart guy. If anyone is going to get a perfect score on the SAT, it’d be [him]” said senior Amar Chahal.

Sui said he is still proud of his achievement. However, he understands that he still has more to do. He has ambitious plans for the future and hopes to major in business and attend his dream school, the University of Pennsylvania.

Despite the praise from teachers and his peers, he still likes to be treated the same. “I’m still me, and I like to think I’m more than a number,” said Sui.