A&E: Actors at SCHS describe tips and tricks they have learned to deliver stellar performances

Many SCHS students enjoy performing in theater productions. After years of experience, student actors have learned what works for them and what does not.

Senior Ellie Guzules is an experienced performer who has had a love for theater since she was young. Before auditioning for a play, she thoroughly researches the role she is auditioning for. She listens to the musical’s soundtrack and watches movie adaptations. Guzules often tries to add her own spin on a character while also keeping in mind what the directors will like.

“It’s their brain plus yours,” Guzules said. “And the longer you brew with the character, the more you like them and the more you find things about them.”

Jack Lingsheit, a senior with years of theater experience, has a similar approach to Guzules when deciding how to play a character. He often prepares for his roles by watching the movies and broadway productions multiple times.

“I didn’t really try to do the same thing as the guy did in the (Broadway production of ‘Into the Woods’), but I ended up doing similar ones,” Lingsheit said. “I try to play them a little differently than the original.”

Senior Mia Rousseau has a different struggle. She often feels nervous before going onstage for the first time every show. To prepare herself, she drinks lots of water and listens to music.

“I feel like the first performance, I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m going to die’ or something,” Rousseau said. “But once I do it, the rest of it is just easy.”

Rousseau normally goes into auditions without researching roles. Once she is given her role, she will then listen to the songs for that character. There are characters she has played that are fairly by the book, but she enjoys interpreting them in her own way.

“I do like giving different interpretations of characters and kinda what they’re like and how they do things,” Rousseau said.

Junior Monica Enloe, another experienced performer, finds that she also most enjoys performing when she gets to personalize her role.

“You can’t really just copy someone else’s performance,” Enloe said. “I like to play the character but also as myself because that’s how it feels the most natural to me.”

After practicing lines and scenes for months, Enloe finds that some of the emotions she had first performed with get lost in the repetition of rehearsal.

“I think getting the emotion back and feeling like it’s happening for the first time is challenging,” Enloe said.

Almost all actors, experienced or amature, struggle with some form of performance nerves. Despite this, students show up to perform without the fear of what others think, embracing the spotlight.

“Just put yourself out there and do the crazy thing. Make big choices,” Enloe said. “That’s what everyone says, but it’s true because you have to stand out, even if it’s wrong. The choice that maybe you shouldn’t be making, it’s something that puts you out there and makes people think of you.”