Did You Know? Paul Fuller lends a helping hand to Athletic Edge

A fascinating fact about a favorite faculty member

FullerPaul Fuller, a math teacher and varsity football coach, works with the fundraising groups Athletic Edge, and the San Jose Earthquakes to raise money in order to provide financial assistance to young athletes participating in competitive cheer, dance or gymnastic programs in Northern California.

Fuller is the vice president for the Athletic Edge program. He got involved in this program to help pay the costs of cheering for his 12-year-old daughter, who cheers for Nor Cal Elite All-Stars. Athletic Edge is a non-profit organization that aims to give experiences to athletes who need financial assistance, and offers them fundraising opportunities to offset their out-of-pocket expenses.

The fundraiser ties in with the San Jose Earthquakes by having Fuller and the group work concession stands at games. The program also hosts concession stands at events at the Shoreline Amphitheater and other venues.

For each event they work at, up to $60 to $200 is donated to the teams and gyms that the members are fundraising for. Fuller uses his spare time on the weekends at the games to raise money by setting up the concession stands and selling food and drinks.

He says he does this because he enjoys what he is part of. “It is all about making sure that all kids can participate in competitive athletics, regardless of their family’s income,” he said.