The spotlight shines on Erin Southard, a fresh face to the SCHS cast. She teaches Multicultural Literature, Drama 1 and Production Honors. Southard brings over seven years of teaching experience within...
Eleven years ago, Derrick Eszlinger graduated from SCHS with the class of 2013. A Bruin at heart, he returned as a civics and economics teacher. Eszlinger credits his teaching career to the inspiring staff...
Staff member Michelle Kennison is new to SCHS and teaches ninth and tenth grade English. She earned her bachelor’s degree in social and behavioral science at California State University, Monterey Bay...
This year, Michelle Bubmaca joined SCHS as the newest addition to the physical education department along with her assistant coach position of the softball team. Advocating for kindness and a healthier...
After graduating from SCHS, Teresa Posas returns to campus as the new vice principal. With her value in the community, being involved and improving the lives of students and staff around her, Posas is...