School secretary Monica Martinez was highly spirited back in high school


This year, SCHS has welcomed many new staff members to the campus. In the accompanying q & a’s, we take a look at their high school experiences and learn a little bit more about them. Below is a Q&A with school secretary Monica Martinez.


Q: What did you want to be growing up?

A: Originally, I wanted to be a lawyer. I just liked the idea of being in the courtroom and fighting for people’s rights.


Q: What high school did you go to?

A: I went to Wilcox High School so I never thought I would be working at Santa Clara.


Q: What advice would you give to your high school self?

A: Get involved in as many school activities as possible. I always just think I could’ve participated more.


Q: What was your most memorable high school experience?

A: I really enjoyed a lot of the Homecoming events. I wasn’t on court, but I did all the activities.


Q: What’s you favorite book and why?

A: Recently, I read “The Last Lecture.” It’s about an instructor who finds out he’s dying. He prepares himself for his last lecture, which addresses all of the things he wanted to do in his lifetime. It makes you put yourself in that position, thinking about what you would do if your time was limited like that.


Q: Who’s your favorite celebrity?

A: When I was younger I had a crush on Brad Pitt. I was not happy when I found out he left his wife for Angelina Jolie, but I’m past it now.


Q: What’s your guilty pleasure?

A: Popcorn with lots of butter and a Coke.


Q: What’s your most memorable experience as a school secretary?

A: Over the years, I’ve had parents come in with more personal issues, like a personal tragedy. It was nice to give them any information they needed. I just love going a little beyond like that.