“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is this year’s highly anticipated Star Wars movie

“Rogue One” will come out tomorrow, Dec. 16.
In an exploration through the incredible Star Wars universe, the new spinoff, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” will take its viewers on a journey through time and space. The highly-anticipated Star Wars standalone film will be coming out in theaters tomorrow, Dec. 16.
Based off of the mind-blowing original Star Wars saga, unlikely heroes join together to steal the designs of the Death Star, a destructive weapon their enemy, the Empire, plans to build.
“Rogue One” is a prequel to the fourth episode, “Star Wars: A New Hope” (1977). “Rogue One” follows the story of orphan Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) as she searches for her father, a lost Imperial scientist. She and a rebel team then seek the exact Death Star designs that will later help Luke Skywalker destroy it in the fourth episode.
To ensure the success of “Rogue One,” filmakers picked superb cast members, choosing renowned actors and actresses instead of following the usual Star Wars tradition of picking unknown stars.
Some of the acclaimed actors include aforementioned Felicity Jones, a previous Oscar-nominee, Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker, who plays a rebel leader, and Donnie Yen, a Hong Kong action star, who plays a blind warrior following the Force.
Being part of the Star Wars films and having an exceptional cast, Star Wars fans have high expectations for the new movie. Though the last Star Wars film, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” crossed the $2 billion mark at the worldwide box office earlier this year in February, forecasters are disagreeing on the predicted success of “Rogue One.”
Some say that it won’t be as profitable because it is not a direct sequel to “The Force Awakens.” Others argue that as “Rogue One” is a Star Wars film, the viewership will increase. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the new movie is projected to reach $150 million domestically and $300 million globally over the first weekend of its showing.
With millions of anticipated fans across the globe eagerly waiting for its release, “Rogue One” could be one of the most discussed movies of the year.