SCHS students take part in Women’s March
Thousands of people traveled to San Jose to express themselves through Women’s March.
More than 25,000 women, men and children marched through downtown San Jose on Saturday for the Women’s March — one of hundreds that took place worldwide.
The Women’s March is an international movement unifying people who stand for human rights, civil liberties and social justice.
SCHS students who wanted their voices to be heard and their concerns to be addressed also took part in the Women’s March.
“I was marching for my and every woman’s rights,” senior Izzy Craig said. “I want my voice to be heard and valued.”
While the nationwide and worldwide marches raised awareness for social and economical issues, Jenny Bradanini, the lead organizer of the San Jose Women’s March, also emphasized unity and inclusivity of all communities.
“The organizers and volunteers worked hard to put this march together,” Bradanini said. “We needed it right now more than ever. We need to stand together as one united community.”
The three Bay Area marches took place in San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland, and they were in solidarity with the National Women’s March in Washington D.C.
The San Jose march started at the City Hall and ended at Cesar Chavez Plaza, where speakers like Brent Turner, a women’s right activist, and Ash Kalra, a representative of the 27th Assembly District, took the stage.
“We, [California State Assembly], are going to protect women’s rights, the LGBTQ community, and our undocumented neighbors,” Kalra said.
Many marchers were from marginalized communities, including the Latino, LGBTQ, Muslim and Native American communities.
“I am marching because as a woman and a part of the LGBTQ community, I want to express that I am not going down without a fight whether Donald Trump likes it or not,” senior Laken Barber said.
Many also came to raise awareness about reproductive rights, workers’ rights, disability rights, environmental injustice and social injustice.
“We want to show the Trump administration from the beginning that we are going to resist every step of the way for anything that isn’t fair for everybody,” marcher Shawnte Michael said.
Though hundreds of women marched in support of women’s rights, men also joined the event.
“I was marching today in support of my wife and sister-in-law,” marcher David Solis said.
“I want women to know that men are supporting their cause too and are pushing for equality for everyone.”
While many came to the Women’s March to bring awareness to social issues that mattered to them, many organizations came to call for action.
Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, Family and Children Services and North County Family Justice Center set up tables after the march with volunteer sign up lists and donation boxes as a way to get people involved in various communities.
“It is good to come together as a community and listen to each other’s narratives and goals,” Bradanini said. “The next step is to defend our fellow community members.”