California’s sunny days draw in new English teacher, Melissa Mirabello
Ms. Mirabello loves the atmosphere of SCHS.
Melissa Mirabello, a new addition to SCHS’s English department, originally taught at high schools in Connecticut and Massachusetts but has made her way to California for the warm weather.
“Everyone says ‘Why did you pick the most expensive area. Why did you pick California?’ and I always say, ‘I’m buying the sun,’” Mirabello said.
California was always the plan for Mirabello, and when the opportunity arose to move from Connecticut, she took it. According to Mirabello, between July and August, it rains often in Connecticut, causing her friends and family to stay in most days, a stark difference from California.
“About three years ago, my mom died, and I decided that I really wanted to love life,” Mirabello said. “I’ve always loved California–the mountains and the ocean, the terrain.”
Once Mirabello knew she was moving to California, she decided to pursue an administrative degree. Wanting to widen her job choices, Mirabello was unsure if she wanted to stick with teaching or become an administrator. Upon earning her administrative degree, Mirabello realized she wanted to continue working with students.
“I always think about if I can really leave the classroom because the students are the energy in the building, and I don’t know if administrators have enough time with kids,” Mirabello said.
Aiming for a teaching job in Southern California, Mirabello did not put much thought into applying to schools up north, but after visiting Santa Clara, she decided she had to stay.
“I was offered a job in L.A. and I was going to take that job, but then I came up here and it’s much more lush. It’s green and near so many things,” Mirabello said.
In high school, Mirabello wanted to become a national correspondent, but after graduating, she ended up a working as a financial analyst at an insurance company. Mirabello never previously considered teaching.
“In high school, I didn’t think I was going to be a teacher,” Mirabello said. “But I certainly wasn’t intimidated by the idea of teaching because I loved high school.”
Mirabello was an active student on campus and participated in several sports and clubs, such as tennis, swimming and yearbook. She credits her great teachers for giving her the desire to make her students’ time at high school memorable.
Compared to the previous schools Mirabello taught at, SCHS has the most students and extracurriculars. She especially enjoys school functions and is excited for upcoming events.
“I’m looking forward to a huge football game because I want to see the school spirit,” Mirabello said. “Oh, I can’t wait to see that.”