Cafeteria delivery truck backs into band room

Walking past the band room, students may be surprised to see a dent in the outer wall. According to music teacher Johnny Erdman, the hole is the result of a delivery truck for the cafeteria accidentally backing into the wall during fifth period on Tuesday.

“We were just practicing our music for the winter concerts and all of a sudden we heard a big bang,” sophomore Bella Gregory said. “Next thing you know, we look outside and we see the  truck backing out of the wall.”

Orchestra student Phounghan Le was in the band room during the incident.

“You could feel the whole room shaking,” Le said.

According to Erdman, it was a complete accident.

“All the deliveries come right behind the band room, so all the huge semi-trucks are constantly driving around here,” Erdman said. “It was a complete accident. [The driver] must’ve just misjudged the angle of his truck and hit the wall.”

Some students expressed concern over the dent.

“It’s such a shame to see our beautiful band room disfigured,” junior Kendall Tinianov said. “I hope they fix it soon so our room can look normal again.”

Although Erdman has not heard any plans from administration to fix the hole, he is not worried.

“Mr. Shelby came and made sure everything was alright right after it happened. It was only the outside wall so no instruments were damaged,” Erdman said.

Senior Jack Chivers only had one thing to say, “Holy Moley.”