Anthony Butler kicks off school year with a new role


Olivia Brady

Anthony Butler accepted a job as college and career technician, taking Tina Rainbolt’s former position.

While walking down the aisle at Target searching for a new mop, former special education aide Anthony Butler bumped into a district official, who revealed that SCHS needed a replacement for College and Career Technician Tina Rainbolt.

Two weeks before the first day of school, Rainbolt had accepted a secretarial job at the district office, opening up the new position at SCHS.

Butler applied for the job, and a week later, received a call from principal Greg Shelby  confirming his new position.

“I couldn’t believe it at first,” Butler said. “Now I can prove to my mom that I have a job.”

With his new role on campus, Butler will help students shape their future by giving them advice about colleges and careers, while helping them obtain credits needed for graduation.

He thinks his new position is a great opportunity to learn and to help students  reach their objectives.

Rainbolt left all her previous files to kickstart Butler’s new career and  they’ve been keeping in contact since her departure.

“I know he’ll do a wonderful job,” Rainbolt said. “He’s very good with the students and has a great connection with them.”

Butler didn’t apply for the job right away, but after weighing his options he made a final decision. His thoughts mostly revolved around money, as well as what he wanted to accomplish as a person.

“I wanted to be happy with what I was doing, ” he said.

Shelby said he’s excited to see how well Butler will do. “He’s been with us for many years, and he’s always been helping and advising students, even in his former position,” he said.

As an instructional aide for special education students, Butler gave them one-on-one support and in his new role, he is hoping to have an even greater impact.
“It has always been my goal to help the students and with this new position, I’m able to oversee a great majority of them. That’s my main focus,” Butler said.